
Dit is het verschil tussen de staalsoorten 18-10, 18/0 en 13/0

This is the difference between steel grades 18-...

Many cutlery and kitchen knives are stamped with the words 18-10, 18-0 or 13-0. But what does this mysterious code language actually mean? We are happy to explain it to...

This is the difference between steel grades 18-...

Many cutlery and kitchen knives are stamped with the words 18-10, 18-0 or 13-0. But what does this mysterious code language actually mean? We are happy to explain it to...

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Het restaurantgevoel thuis? Dek je tafel als een pro!

Creating a restaurant feeling at home: how to s...

Wil je thuis tafelen zoals in een restaurant? Met de juiste bestek etiquette, een sfeervol gedekte tafel en hoogwaardig bestek van Amefa creëer je het ultieme restaurantgevoel. Ontdek hoe!

Creating a restaurant feeling at home: how to s...

Wil je thuis tafelen zoals in een restaurant? Met de juiste bestek etiquette, een sfeervol gedekte tafel en hoogwaardig bestek van Amefa creëer je het ultieme restaurantgevoel. Ontdek hoe!

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Musthave van nu: mat zwart bestek

Today's must-have: matt black cutlery

Matte black cutlery is the absolute must-have of today. Because black, just like silver, goes well with everything. That gives you many different options for decorating the table. Black cutlery...

Today's must-have: matt black cutlery

Matte black cutlery is the absolute must-have of today. Because black, just like silver, goes well with everything. That gives you many different options for decorating the table. Black cutlery...

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How to: zo gebruik je bestek om te communiceren

How to: use cutlery to communicate

In conversation through cutlery: did you know that cutlery is often used to communicate? The way you put down cutlery during or after eating can tell restaurant staff what you...

How to: use cutlery to communicate

In conversation through cutlery: did you know that cutlery is often used to communicate? The way you put down cutlery during or after eating can tell restaurant staff what you...

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Felicity-42 delige All You Need bestekset- Voor 6 personen

Felicity-42 piece All You Need cutlery set- For...

Felicity cutlery by Amefa brings the feeling of contemporary handicraft to the table with the coarse, hammered decoration on the handle. The coloured high-gloss finish gives a stylish and modern...

Felicity-42 piece All You Need cutlery set- For...

Felicity cutlery by Amefa brings the feeling of contemporary handicraft to the table with the coarse, hammered decoration on the handle. The coloured high-gloss finish gives a stylish and modern...

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Moederdag: 5 originele ideeën voor ontbijt op bed

Mother's Day: 5 Original Ideas for Breakfast in...

Mother's Day is the perfect day to put your mother in the spotlight. And of course, that includes a Mother's Day breakfast! Make her favorite breakfast or be inspired by...

Mother's Day: 5 Original Ideas for Breakfast in...

Mother's Day is the perfect day to put your mother in the spotlight. And of course, that includes a Mother's Day breakfast! Make her favorite breakfast or be inspired by...

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